Thursday, September 29, 2011

thank you.

hello darlings.
yes its been a while but I am just finally feeling back to myself after traveling across Canada with my hubby and 9 other bands on the MapleNoise Tour... and when I say traveling I mean being the only girl on a tour bus with 13 men, including TFK, To Tell, our band and production team. I must say though, these guys were awesome to travel with and I felt like one of the boys for 10 days.
One of the special moments on this tour was in Veron, BC when a bunch of us were presented with true to photo illustrations by an artist named Kayleigh Semeniuk. Kaleigh is a brilliant artist (as you can see) and we were all surprised and excited to receive her gifts. I for one was flat out shocked to be one of her illustrations.... I mean, Im not a singer and I don't play in the band... but she still took the time to create this beautiful art piece for me. WOW. All of us on the Manafest team love the drawings and want to publicly thank Kayleigh again for her kindness.

I have much more to share with you all from tour... but for now, here is a link to check out more of Kayleigh's work:

Manafest (Still frame from Impossible Video)
Bodan (Guitarist)

Travis Blackmore (Drummer)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Melanie
    I just wanted to thank you again for the encouragment that you've given me. It means so much!! I can't thank you enough!!

    - Kayleigh
