Sunday, March 20, 2011

out with the old...

... and in with the new!
I unexpectedly ran into my friend Cora at Starbucks on Saturday. We hadn't seen each other in ages... so i grabbed an Americano and sat down for a quick chat...
our quick chat turned into a two hour chat! We had so much to talk about:)
Cora is such an inspiring and positive person that just listening to her talk about what God has done in her life lifted me up. Spending time with her was like being pumped full of life and faith. She truly radiates positive energy. Our chat reminded me of the power of letting go of the old, and embracing the new things in life. As the saying goes...
the only constant in change.
So what did I do with all this inspiration? well...I attacked my closet...obviously! lol... My friend Jenn came by and she became my jury as I pled the case for each item in my closet... she voted either... keep, toss or donate... (and she felt the need to play the Red Hot Chilli Peppers song...Give it
Well darlings.... here were the results... I literally tossed and donated more than half of my wardrobe.... and man does that feel good:) I feel like I lost weight. Better yet...Out with the old... and in with the new.

1 comment:

  1. I did this in the last month too! Feels great! Anything that made me feel "not me" (you know that feeling...), anything I haven't worn more than once (aside from dresses), anything I acquired that was just a "good deal" and hardly ever wore... lol.

    Ahhh. =D
