Soooo....you may have noticed I have not been blogging as often as before...please do forgive me my dears...as the saying goes..."when it rains it pours"...this is the best way to describe my life right now. After getting back from a 5 week European tour, you would think I would have some down time...nope! not in Melanie land....every fall it seems the beginning of September marks an alarm for clients everywhere to need my attention and this year is no different. Both modeling and my freelance design and photography work all seem to be running full steam....at the same time! :) ..... but I would never complain, because I absolutely love what I do...so BRING IT ON BABY>>>>
But one thing that is comforting to me during all the chaos is that I enjoy this time of year for fashion. I love wearing cozy layers and hats and pulling out the old boots and wellies...theres something about this time of year that motivates us....well...motivates us to shop anyway...lol...well onward and upward people. Make your first stop Urban Outfitters...well, I would...here are some of my fav's right now... xo

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