Hello Darlings.
Yes, its been over a week since my last blog, but please forgive me...
I was very stressed out while surfing in Oceanside California. :) wink.
Chris and I travel a lot all year for tours, but last week was different. We took a much needed five day vacation in Southern California and it was absolutely amazing. We intentionally slowed down our crazy pace and entered chill Cali mode. We slept in, hit vintage shops, ate breakfast burritos, drank lattes, walked aimlessly around Venice Beach......and when we were over the slow pace, we rented boards and went surfing for two days! Ya, we found ourselves a new hobby:)
Im not sure what it is about the ocean...but just being around it clears the mind. Its one of the parts of Gods creation that reminds me how small I am and how Big God is. And that gives me a sense of ease...
Here are some shots from my iphone:) xo.

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