" ... on the wall, who's the fairest of them all..."
We all know this little riddle from our childhood. But there is something very real about this riddle and how we compare ourselves to people...especially as girls...whats that all about?!
Im on tour right now in england with an youth organization called ALOVE, which is a department of Salvation Army. We have been asked to lead workshops in private schools summer camps all over the country and the whole tour is called "Spire" and is about dreaming big and living on purpose. Its been amazing so far and Im so blessed to be a part of it.
One of the workshops Im leading is called "Identity" and is all about how consumerism and pop culture effect how we percieve ourselves and our identity. One exercise thats been really effective is using a warped mirror...the girls will look close in the mirror and then far away...close up they can see themselves clearly and far away they look warped. Being part of this exercise has reminded me of how important identity really is. And how when Im close to God, I can "see myself clearly" and I view myself with confidence. But when I don't give God time or priority in my life, its like all of a sudden, I am unsure of myself...my view is warped...
I really believe that God wants to truly show us all how valuable we all are. When we know how valuable we are, we are powerful.
All you Beautiful girls reading this...when you look in the mirror today, remember that you are loved by God just the way you are. xo
p.s. while on the topic of mirrors...here are a bunch of gorgeous mirrors and stunner rooms!

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